Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Character Contest

So you think you have a great character, or even a great name, and you want to see it in print?  Enter my contest and it could happen.

Yes, your character could be in front of millions (would you believe hundreds) of readers.

Check out the details at:

Character Contest

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pretending to Blog

You would think that a writer has no problem blogging. After all, a writer should be writing, so what are a few more words generated in the day (or week)?

The problem is writing something remotely worthwhile.

I know I generally don’t like “fluff” in a blog, nor my day wasted with twits (sic) sending out tweets. So, I will try not to be part of the problem and find a balance between saying something useful, perhaps even mildly interesting, and keeping my keyboard mouth shut!

